On ennery.net we make it easy for you to sell tickets online for your events.
How Ennery.net works
On Ennery, we offer to sale your event tickets online. But it’s not just that. The site also manages tickets that can be scanned, managed, by an application provides free to the events promotors.
So the buyer goes to the site, buys a ticket. He receives this ticket by email which he can print or not if necessary. The seller receives a notification in real time that a ticket has been sold. In the application, details of participants, how many participants, email, tel number, type of tickets if available (eg adult, child) can be look at by the ticket vendor.
On the vendor side, when the ticket is scanned from the participant smartphone, a mention “Checked In” is made on the application. So if you scan twice same tickets ca will indicate, “Already checked in”.
It is also possible to “confirm the presence” of a ticket manually by searching the list of participants at your event.
Our princing
- New Tickets releases for a created account: $ 50. This includes a Facebook ad announcing the event. If your events is free, no charge here.
- Service charge: 3% + 1$ per ticket sold